Developmental Physical Therapist for Infants, Children and Adolescents
| Rehabilitation | Pelvic Floor | Training | Parental Counselling | Mobility Accessories Consulting
Lectures and Workshops
A wide variety of lectures and workshops for different audiences:
Education personnel in schools and rehabilitation institutions
Medical and paramedical personnel
Developmental physical therapists
Daycare and kindergartens staff
Lecture topics:
Infant development
Infant development in the age of technology
Environments that encourage development
Development in kindergarten and first grade children
Motor learning promotes social, cognitive and academic skills
What is readiness for first grade
Children's pelvic floor – incontinence issues
Daytime potty training
Encopresis – repeated defecation in inappropriate circumstances (age 4 and up)
Difficulties in potty training
All lectures are provided in person or by live stream/video conferencing
Training for professionals
Frontal or online
Professional and practical guidance, support and guidance. How our care is meaningful and life-changing for our patients: work and guidance in front of teams, in front of and together parents, the most significant agents in the development of the babies and children we care for.
Education teams and paramedical care teams
How the knowledge Motor and postural can promote motor and lip grapho functions and skills, oral and eating functions.
Necessary collaborations between the various disciplines.
Parental guidance
Dealing with developmental difficulties in our children.
Consultation, deliberation and selection of educational frameworks that can suit our child at different stages of life.
How to harness the team to encourage and promote our child in the best way while cooperating and supporting.